Sunday, December 9, 2007

The IBM authentication asked with answers

1. what are I B M L o t u s education training?
Answer: I B M L o t u s education training is a systems engineering.Mainly through L A E C namely I B M L o t u the s authorizationeducation center, C L E C is C L the E education center, N o t e the suniversity and so on comes for general L o t u s D o m i n o/N o t e s(including correlation knowledge management product) the user and theamateur carries on series training, by better service society.
Which 2. I B M L o t u does the s education training channel have?
Answer: L A E C, C L E C, N o t e s university and so on.
3. what are C L E?
Answer: Engineer C L E namely I B M L o t u s Chinese authenticationfoundation, can skilled D o m i n o/N o t e the s application, carryon the simple product installment and the management.
4. what are C L S?
Answer: C L S is the C e r t i f i e d L o t u s S p e c i a l i s tabbreviation, namely I B M L o t u the s international authenticationspecialist, is maintains and develops the specialized technicalpersonnel which outstanding L o t u s D o m i o/N o t e the s systemmust.
5. what are C L P?
Answer: C L P is the C e r t i f i e d L o t u s E n g i n e e rabbreviation, namely I B M L o t u the s international authenticationexpert, C L P is maintains and develops outstanding D o m i n o/N o te the s system indispensable strong character.
6. what are N o t e the s university?
Answer: N o t e the s university is I B M L o t u s Corporationpromotes face universities's L o t u the s high-level specializedtechnology popularization plan. Its objective is through withuniversities's close cooperation, provides for the general scholarspromptly to grasp the international leading software technology thestudy opportunity, by moves towards the society well, improves theemployment quality. At present, does not have the universities withinthe boundaries of Sichuan to introduce this plan.
How 7. obtains the authentication?
Answer: Suggested to I B M L o t u the s authorization educationalinstitution study, then to the related test organization test, obtainsthe authentication. At present the domestic test mainly test centercarries on through P r o m e t r i c.
Which 8. L o t u does the s test center have?
Answer: Every P r o m e t r i c authorization test center may carry onL o t u the s test. Encourages the examinee to take a test to I B M Lo t u s authorized education center L A E C. Obtains a better service.
Which how many gates 9. L o t does u the s authentication test have?What each test test time and is the ruled lines standard?
Answer: L o t u the s authentication test has many. Each test timeapproximately in 1 - 1.5 hours. And ruled lines approximately above 76minute. The details please visit: W w w. l o t u s. c o m/c e r t i fi c a t i o n
Why 10. I B M L o t u does the s user unit need to have C L P(L o t u s to authenticate expert)?
Answer: L o t u the s product is a world first-class group product,has highly effective, safe, reliable, is advanced and so on thecharacteristic, its maintenance, the development needs the specializedtechnical personnel. C L the P authentication has guaranteed technicalpersonnel's technical quality, has C L P, the user unit may highlyeffective develop, safety control this unit's D o m i n o/N o t e thes application, the display product biggest benefit, seizes for thisunit in the market competition takes the initiative provides the solidtechnology base.
What 11. C is L the P authentication to individual significance?
Answer: Has C L the P certificate, may increase your individualemployment the opportunity, promotes your employment quality, is ayour enterprise milestone.
12. may through study independently, obtains C L the P authentication?
Answer: May. C L P authentication emphasis theory and practice union.The general need student has above three months the experience and thesystem theory study. C L P is the technical guarantee, is to thestudent technology one kind of objective approval.
13. I B M L o t u s has the teaching material which suitablly studiesindependently?
Answer: Has. I B M L o t u s Corporation promotes the multimediateaching compact disc (Chinese) the quite suitable beginner studiesindependently. May with ease cross the threshold, understood aspecttechnology and so on development, management, for further pursuesadvanced studies to build the foundation.
14. N o t e the s university has the standard teaching material?
Answer: N o t e the s university at present does not have the standardteaching. Mainly refers to L o t u s L A E by various universities theC international teaching material, unifies this school situationdevelopment teaching material. pass4sure 117-101 version
What profit 15. C does L the E authentication to personally have?
Answer: Has C L the E certificate, you obtained L o t u s D o m i no/N o t e the s system to post the card. Proved you are an outstandinguser, also promotes development engineer for you/the manager to buildthe solid foundation.
16. what are C L I?
Answer: C L I is C e r t i f i e d L o t u s I n s t r u c t o r, is IB M L o t u the s international authentication lecturer, is I B M L ot u the s authentication high-level leaves.
17. individual can obtain C the L I authentication?
Answer: May. Participates in C the L I authentication, must be C L P.C L P is C L I interviews after I C E, headquarters authenticationpasses by I B M L o t u the s then.
18. university students can study C L P?
Answer: Can, suggest great three above the university student(contains graduate student, doctor and so on) studies C L P.