Thursday, March 6, 2008

Actually, I mentioned Microsoft authenticates system engineer is inmultitudinous authentication which Microsoft provides, but also ismost effective. Microsoft's authentication is based on severalcurricula and through the corresponding test which completesstipulated obtains. Takes mcse to say, it must obtain through sixcurricula tests, including four compulsory, two take as an elective.Curriculum as follows:

Compulsory: Test number curriculum

70-58 networking essentials

70-67 implementing and supporting windows nt server 4.0

70-68 windows nt server 4.0 in the enterprise

70-73 implementing and supporting windows nt workstation 4.0

Takes as an elective:

70-26 administrate sql server 6.5

70-27 implementing and supporting sql server 6.5

70-28 administrate sql server 7.0

70-29 implementing and supporting sql server 7.0

70-59 tcp/ip on windows nt 4.0

70-76implementing and supporting exchange server 5.0

70-87 implementing and supporting internet information server4.0

The compulsory four curricula are do not have the meanschange, but as for specifically takes as an elective that twocurricula actually to have some skills, nearly 90% mcse all is 70-87implementing and supporting internet information server which takes asan elective 4.0 and 70-59 tcp/ip on windows nt 4.0, because if chooseslike this after will test completely six to be able to obtain threecertificates: Mcp, mcp+internet and mcse, moreover these curriculaalso are other authentication, Microsoft authenticate the databaseadministrator (mcdba, must test eight) to authenticate system engineerinternet with Microsoft (mcse+internet, must test nine) to have,therefore chooses like this to wants to continue to take theauthentication also to have the advantage.
My mcse authentication process has altogether used six weeks accordingto in advance plan, each week completes a curriculum. Certainly alsohas the person which quickly attains the authentication compared tome, but I thought since does this, cannot purely be for take thiscertificate, or should study some things, moreover also must completethis semester I this specialized curriculum. Then, it can be imaginedthese six weeks life, definitely has been allowed extremely to use tobe intense highly stimulated, described, because each curriculum allis a thick English copy clerk, after looked at it also must not stopthe hands-on practice, finally looks at some molds again Microsoft, but Iactually and unconsciously tiredly, because this all is some extremelypractical thing, it usually the bit by bit accumulation knowledgesystem string in, enable I also to have to these things some renewals,a MB6-204 MB5-538 MB6-202 clearer understanding. That time, every day nearly all reads to 2, 3o'clock, if second day school first does not have the class to have tosee to 4 o'clock. Like this because looked too late laid down the bookto rest, but the cerebrum certain parts also were at the emotionalstate, rested has been having a dream, dreams of or sits in a momentago position reads, nearly daily so. Therefore, sometimes the marquisearly morning wakes also blurry thought one all has not late rested.But, the person with high aspirations eventually day does not lose, Ieach time take a test when always can with ease go through a strategicpass it may be said is repayment which pays to my all these, I havesatisfied very much. Laughable is, after I completed last the testinstead also some to be actually helpless. Mcse is a goal, is in mythat six weeks huge spiritual reposing, but once the goal had achievedalso vanished.