Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chinese IT elite list of the 10 cattle were

Far from clearing the IT arena of struggle and battle each other grievances, we find that these IT people have had a common sweet Remembrance: University. In those days not only dominated the later laid a foundation, has also become exhausted after the most ideal to miss. And in the IT arena for the fight of the people, the University is the first starting point for the campaign, many of them in college began to write our own unique story, university life has been played their success of the The first movement. Today, let us open China's vast territory famous IT, IT into the top 10 Chinese famous universities. Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology: King of the telecommunications Feiwomozhu 640-802 Cisco 350-001
Xi'an Dianzaikeda Department has been fortunate in their own culture is not famous, but it is one of China's IT map of the brave Shanzhan top Shuai only - Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo.
Who recorded: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi
Comments players: the founder of Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi: Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology professional radar system
Liu admitted to the West in 1962 when electricity, which is called Xi'an military school of 642-901 Cisco 642-825 telecommunications engineering. After graduation, Liu Chuanzhi research in more than 20 years. It was not until the 1980s, founder of Lenovo
Liu Chuanzhi young people in general, when battlefield come forth in large numbers of Chinese who can claim to be a veteran, but the veteran is not only well-known and strong combat effectiveness. He single-handedly created the Legion Lenovo now across several continents. Worthy of attention is not forced to his soldiers weak, Liu's Chinese IT hands-on training on the battlefield He drank two other well-known war - Lenovo and Digital China Yang Wei. From this point of view, the entire Chinese IT battlefield no one can out of their right