According to the IT authentication test resources net most newlyintroduced Cisco Corporation recently announced adjusts the Pass4Sure Cisco Wireless LAN 642-586 Braindumps authentication subject the plan, at present the Pass4Sure Cisco Wireless LAN 642-586 Braindumps training uses theteaching material and the curriculum will be able to have a largerscale change.
New old version CCDP test subject contrast
Old version CCDP authentication way new edition Pass4Sure Cisco Wireless LAN 642-586 Braindumps authentication way
642-801 BSCI 642-891 Composite 642-901 BSCI 642-892 Composite
642-811 BCMSN 642-871 ARCH 642-812 BCMSN 642-871 ARCH
642-871 ARCH 642-871 ARCH
2006.12.31 cuts off in November, 2006 about completely tobecome effective
Cisco authenticates the test tendency: Pass4Sure Cisco Wireless LAN 642-586 Braindumps purchases two softwarecompanies
The Cisco system company Friday announced will purchase two wife andchildren companies, the purchase has been helpful to Cisco for thepronunciation, the video frequency and the data communication platformestablishment public application development connection.
According to the Cisco company said that, Cisco will operate privatelycompany Metreos Corporation and the Audium Corporation's technicalconformity in the same place, will unify the correspondence for Ciscoto develop a public application development connection. The Cisco company agreed separately purchases these two companies, the purchasealso needs the government management structure authorization,estimated in will think up to July 29 the imperial civil serviceexamination four wealth seasons to complete.
The Cisco company agreed pays 28 million US dollars cashes to purchaseMetreos Corporation, Metreos Corporation is Austin's establishes 5years company, some 19 staffs. The Cisco company pays 19.8 million USdollars cashes to purchase Audium Corporation, Audium Corporation willbe in 1999 is founded in New York, some 26 staffs.
Metreos Corporation is the IP correspondence provides the applicationto develop and to manage the environment. Its technology will help theCisco company system integration business, swing pin business andother partners for the unification communications system developmentapplication. Audium Corporation is the VoiceXML pronunciationapplication provides the development and the management environment.The Cisco company thought this company the technology can help theenterprise to establish the automatic pronunciation reply system. TheCisco company two companies' technical conformity will be one, is the Pass4Sure Cisco Wireless LAN 642-586 Braindumps unification correspondence makes an application developmentconnection.
After purchase conclusion, these two small companies' staffs willenter the Cisco company pronunciation technology enterprisedepartment.
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