On August 8, 2008, this is a Chinese sports advance stride, actuallyis a stride which the Chinese professional soccer backs up.
On wildly imagines year after in us the Chinese army corps like thenumber sesame seed cake equally launch when "Olympic Games seizes thegolden plan", the Chinese soccer has actually discarded it depends onis known as "the occupation" finally together the birthmark, aclassical professional athletic competition system is forcefully givenby the administrative order the manifesto, "China does not kick aball" no longer is an indignant blue slogan!
"The north and south district" becomes on the cliff finally the loosethat stone - from the occupation nationwide hosts and visitors fieldsystem to the extra-curricular nature "the north and southdistrict", in other words, the Chinese soccer will back up to oncentury 70, the 80's specialized physical culture work crew athleticcompetition systems, from this time on has not linked Shanghai tostrive for hegemony, not to have the Sichuan distant war, will nothave Shanghai deeply not to have , some only will be "exercisesthe body, will defend the motherland" north time Shen Buda, southcentral the district friendly match, as well as "Tianjin Lu alwayswill be" trade union tug-of-war competition slogan... ...
First, or receives in exchange 20 day-long tragedies for a lifetimewith 10 years
Whether regardless of you do understand chief executive'smentality, but in January has been through repeatedly the Asian cup tocollapse the Chinese two countries words team which the plate, fourcountries matches is shamed to become the national sports bureaufinally by the administrative logic to defeat the movement rule toclean up the gateway "the wick", the Chinese most can play the pingpong, the Chinese most can play the badminton, the Chinese at leastalso has the Yao bright such 2 meters 26 pure elevations, but theChinese cannot kick a ball, if loses steadily loses entirely thehonor, was inferior to returns is organic to the specialized time,lets military sub-region commander take head coach, enables politicalcommissar to become the group leader, looked, the Korean people havemade the bright prompt 70-219 example to us.
The simplest administrative logic may defeat the most complextechnical thought, very is perhaps difficult to imagine the Chineseprofessional soccer the athletic competition system to collapse by thetop-down way occurrence, but it has occurred, Chinese soccer last hadthe qualifications to be called "the competition expert" the officialbright effect agriculture urges in two day-long to fall in theconference to contain the blood to spurt the day to scold two treasonand heresy speeches: "Crazed", "is concerned only about profit". Butold bright spatial howling only can form a slight seismic wave to theair, all is useless, because of, if said this is thebureau request "the fermentation", was inferior to said this is thebureau issues "the notice".
Will explain "the north and south district" in the future conditioncount for much: From next year January definitely will not have thesoccer league tournament to August China, after August will becarelessly 3 month-long approaches the extra-curricular nature "thedistrict match", north at that time the cold weather, the human spiritwill fall to the freezing point, the sponsor does not have □L attendsto, champion not in the least gold content, more importantly, when in2009 will start we only then discovered, after "boldly will betOlympic Games" is "the bold gambling World Cup", 09 year Chinesesoccer was still impossible to have the perfect league tournament,when in 2010 (if at that time also had so-called ' the Chinese soccer'), because two year resources destruction, The player is compelled toretire when the security, the market encounter the thoroughsubversion, boss removes the capital in abundance... ... "The northand south district" harms not only is a year between soccer leaguetournament in an opposite direction, but is three year, ten years iseven long, the entire Chinese soccer faces not only is in athleticcompetition system backing up, but is the system comprehensivelycollapses the plate.
The world famous "Germany is industrious" the office representative tohave a diagnosis to the Chinese professional soccer: According to theworld professional soccer movement rule, unifies the Chinese marketcharacteristic, establishes to begin to take shape may operate thespace to need for five years to ten years, but this period mustmaintain continues the invariable market rule, thus wins the nextstage development, if in these five to during ten years, these rulesencounters not normally operates even destroys, its dangerousconsequence will enter it after the mature period is more fearfulthan; Moreover, if it is being in attempts to pass such dangerousperiod, if suddenly appears the external force to let it drop to thenon- rational operation, this meant when it attempts to turn back oncemore the market, the future market will hold to it possibly nearly isequal to zero.
Please let me explain: Now, the Chinese professional soccer or said"the false professional soccer" is being in from same year Yan Shiduodestroys the sequela recovered the period, this year center ultraleague tournament booking rate expressed we were being in twoelevations of temperature the stages, suddenly cancelled thefluctuation level, the cancellation nationwide league tournamentsystem, the self- choice will be far away the market - it to have torestore in the future, Wang Jun lived the origination professionalleague tournament 14 years ago to be very difficult than, even simplydid not have possibly.
For Olympic Games 20 day-long strategies, thus sacrifices the entiremovement the foundation, thus lets a country be possible for 10 yearsnot to be able to restore the normal market operation space, thisreally is the world unprecedented, the latter non- future pioneeringwork, to this, "China does not kick a ball" turns "China not to havethe soccer".
Comes to be sorrowful incomparably from the Asian soccer associationdevelopment company's official: Chinese soccer slighting the law, nowand world completely dissimilar, we very want to help China the soccerto make the progress, but we are unable to understand the Chinesesoccer, we are also helpless.
Second, administration psycho-analysis: "The league tournament" issupreme for this "the defeat to Olympic Games"
In order to "Olympic Games strategy" smoothly carries on thesoccer sacrifices, very difficultly gives up "not the good property"constitutes explains this behavior, the analysis "the north and southdistrict" the administrative psychology history origin with theenterprise:
1st, in 2004, attacked the Athens Olympic Games eve in Chinese countryAustria, Yan Shiduo on once attempts to discard the same year leaguetournament to the strength to guarantee country Austria to go beyond aline, but this typical violated athletics rule realization "theachievements" the method on is overruled in the soccer associationinterior by the force, but Yan Shiduo lost heart by no means, he whichsuffered the country Austria unfavorable situation receives on Italyin at the beginning of 2005 and is peaceful, including the northernnational capital mainstream club discussion implementation and so onDalian solid Germany "the north and south district match", after theclub force opposed and the media exposure died without a sickness...... Yan Shiduo walked, but "the north and south district match", Xie Yalong always is not a soccer nature official, trackand field family background he is only an administrative official, hearrives the Chinese soccer association's duty only is "does thecleaning", has not been able to complete the past the administrativedirective 11 cash.
2nd, forms from the history looked, Wu Shaozu is appointed nationalphysical culture commission director the period, the Chinese soccer is"the whole nation system" extends to a market mine detecting set, butit is in the very awkward situation in 14 years organizational reform,it already was not "the whole nation system" a center individualcontribution, may not be the genuine market product, because in 2008will be a year which "the whole nation system" the superiority most plays, certainly cannot be "Olympic Games seizes the goldenstrategy" to make the contribution the Chinese soccer mine detectingset to have forcefully to take back guarantees strategic the smoothimplementation, Once "the mine detecting set" the present has becomeunder the entire whole nation system Chinese sports Olympic Games "totow the oil bottle", 14 years ago "apply for Olympic Games" when startits path Chinese soccer, China succeed after 14 years holdwhen Olympic Games, actually have abandoned the originalintention, this becomes professional sports in the world scope thejoke.
Like this analyzes on is easy to understand this is called by theoutside "the perverse actions" the motion, "the Olympic Gamesstrategy" lets the Chinese sports have to give up the Chinese soccer,the load bearing enters "Olympic Games first four" duty Chinesecountry Austria to have in not to have the league tournament pressureunder the relaxed premise, carries on centrally also is theadministrative being on duty -like training. It is different with theNorth Korean soccer athlete takes an oath daily to the picture ofmaochiefofstate, also was different to the same year Ukrainegeneration raises the leather whip uniquely to brush the player whichin the desert ran, the Chinese soccer "the administrative soccer", iton the one hand was shouting loudly "the league tournament for this",on the other hand actually was take the arbitrary wish as this.
We knew, in Chinese type administration concept, when does not havethe ability solution technology stratification plane the question, thebest method is avoids it even to discard it. In the Chinese soccerresult too bad continuously lets the bureau headache not already, letsthe soccer "runs its own course" is continuously never has stoppedproposal, therefore we only then witnessed many strange action occuron the Chinese soccer association body, only rises not to fall, onlyfalls does not rise, does not rise not to fall... ... But we werestill difficult to imagine, since 2,004, in 2005 Yan Shiduo twiceattempted the implementation "the north and south district" toencounter the entire full athletic circle to overrule, this, used2,008 Olympic Games compared to the Chinese soccer association department to hold in China, takes action with just reasons hasdiscarded "the Chinese professional soccer" at one fell swoop.
We acknowledged "Olympic Games" are bigger than all, but takesacrifices a movement the foundation to guarantee safely as the priceis to modern professional sports one kind of reactionary.
More illogical is, really did some people think "the Chinese soccer"powerfully becomes for China "the Olympic Games army corps" seizes JinZhengyin to fill in the brick to add the tile a nucleus? The slightlyrational person's knows by the present two China country words team'sstrength, only if takes advantage of the referee to help or the ultralevel displays several does not have possibly enters Olympic Gamesfirst four, therefore can capture some position for Chinese countryAustria or Chinese then to stop the normal league tournamentathletic competition system as if is a kind of delusion, under presentcondition, even if Chinese soccer Olympic Games seize the sign severalto be not possible, but "the achievements" under the psychologicaldirection department concerned, still did not hesitate take tosacrifice the entire soccer movement the foundation as price like amoth to the flame, "died after me, even if the flood were dreadful".
A background is, came on stage after Xie Yalong has quietly discarded女足 the league tournament system, Chinese changed in a yearago hits "the north and south district" the athletic competitionsystem, this was changes the athletic competition system for the morenoticeable Chinese male foot sending out a scout to see if anybody isabout, although overall movement level each situation met, butthe Chinese soccer association actually thought implemented"the north and south district" to be effective, therefore male footalong with potential change professional athletic competition systemalso imperative.
This is "the league tournament" is supreme for this "the defeat toOlympic Games", President Xie already calculated had today. Who alsodares to say his ability is low?
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