Sunday, January 13, 2008

Interpol President to resign for corruption

South African police chief resigned from Sele over the presidency of the International Criminal Police Organization. He was suspected of corruption allegations.

Sele than that, he did not want his prosecution would Interpol good reputation to be affected.

He allegedly from a convicted offender has received 170,000 US dollars of money. However, he alleged that corruption was denied.

It is said that South African President Thabo Mbeki has been trying to appeal dismissal of police chief refused the request. Mbeki said that he saw all the evidence before the allegations, he will not take any measures.

Interpol stressed that the South African authorities over allegations of Saile with him in the post within the organization has no relationship, but the organization said that the crime of corruption is a police officer can be accused of the most serious crimes.

Sele than in the 2004 election to the International Criminal Police Organization, for a period of four years. It was not immediately clear whether prosecutors will indict him.
South African Broadcasting Corporation reported that the President of South Africa, the State Attorney Wuxipikeli on the 20th issuing a warrant. Pretoria Supreme Court also signed a decree to allow the relevant law enforcement agencies launched a search.

Teladi State Attorney spokesman declined to comment, he said: "The South African Broadcasting Corporation reports, we do not comment on them."

Selebi's spokeswoman Salibeier said: "I am a day and Selebi together, he has not been arrested. With him, I just (Selebi), he is an arrest warrant without the know. "the South African Broadcasting Corporation reported that, on the 24th Piccoli President Thabo Mbeki was suspended, may lead to Selebi has not yet been arrested.

But Reuters reported that a spokesman for the South African government said on the 25th, Selebi "might" will be in connection with crime syndicates involved was investigated.