Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Philippines frogmen into the shipwreck find more bodies

June 24, the Philippine Coast Guard teams on the 24th at noon, has entered the 21st frogmen sank in the central area of the "stars Princess," Ferry, but only found "many bodies "The hope of finding more survivors slim.

Published the list of persons rescued
According to the "Central News Agency" report, the Philippine Coast Guard team commander Lieutenant General Tama You said in a press conference, frogmen this morning has finally succeeded in entering the "star Princess", at least two dead bodies removed, but still see Many other bodies floating in the cabin inside, search and rescue personnel working on is to be floating in the body of gravity pulled out from the bottom, or directly undermine the hull removed.

As the cabin in the light of darkness, frogmen difficult to estimate the cabin in the end the number of bodies, but according to survivors recalled earlier, the captain ordered Qichuan shortly after the ferry that sank quickly tilt, many people were trapped in the cabin within.

23,000 tons of "Stars Princess" on the 20th of incoming flights from Manila to the central Philippines province of Cebu, because of Typhoon Fengshen encountered, and Luo Bulun in the province on the 21st at noon in the waters sank overturned, according to Chuanke Register, all vessels containing 747 people, including many children.

As of yesterday evening, the sinking of the survivors of the incident has increased to 57 people, who are drifting lifeboat rescued at sea, on the other hand, the waves rushed into several fishing village beach bodies of the victims has reached 20.

Tama You said that currently has a number of victims updated, the Navy and Coast Guard search and rescue team will focus on the survivors, the boat has been initially Discovery at the direction of flow, and clues to gradually expand the search in this area.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


General personnel, are often unable to shake off the moral barriers. This is the reasonable, regardless of how that character is always the first employment standards. However, the first is not everything. If the theory is the only moral character, and do not see the other strengths, or selecting and appointing a Youde without the only person on any one cause are harmful. It is against this tradition of biased, Cao Cao overkill, proposed a "is the only cite"
The idea. Some advocates of this extreme, but it is very instructive.
In this, Zhao Rui Cao Cao quoted as saying: "How can Chen Ping Du Xing, SU Qin Qi and trustworthy Ye» pacification and Chen Han, SU Qin Yan weak economy, its long term also. "SU Qin is a well-known Person. First, he lobbied to Qin Qin Hui Wang, his advice to the world unity. When the lobby after the failure of SU Qin, Qin also turn to the enemy side to lobby, first to persuade Yan Wen Yan-guo-designate and then proceeded to convince the Zhao. Qi, Han, Wei, Chu and other countries, are linked to the six countries of India. Such as selling two good people, it is not, "Du Xing"
No person in Germany. However, he can make the six countries unite against Jiang 190-840 Qin, the six countries is also safe for a few years. Yan WANG if not to be the first appointment of SU Qin, Yan-guo its weak Qin dishes that have become the prey of the board. Chen Ping, also, when he is a young Youshouhaoxian the people, not even his wife, discuss, and sister-in-law is said to have adultery, accepting bribes of misdeeds. At that time coincides with troubled times, he first joined Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu with his heavy, Du Wei to the official, but because of operational failure and Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Chen Ping, fear of killing, took a turn Liu Bang. Clearly, this is not a "Duxing" without the German people. But Liu Bang has not be fooled by Chen Ping, on the contrary Xiang Yu also reuse than he. Later in the Chuhan war, many of Liu Bang Qimoumiaoji are from Chen Ping, and Liu Bang in the death, Chen Ping, Bo Zhou Zhumiezhulv help further consolidate the Han Dynasty of the Foundation. It can be said that in 1T6-530 employing this point, no good or bad, only a short length. As Huangshi Gong said, if used properly, even the greedy villain small profits may well play his role.

Formulate principles and objectives to complete

Formulate principles and objectives to complete

(A) you must determine your goals and the starting line.

To know that they will move toward where we must first see themselves now the position.

In other words, you must be careful analysis of their current level and the potential of these issues you may not fully understand, but you can try to answer, and in continuous learning to be amended.

When you finally sit down to a person, you can mention to their own the following questions and to write down the answer:

1, I had the competence and what kind of talent »

(1) On the one hand, I have expertise in that «to study, understand, to do that or recite»156-215.1

(2) in which I have expertise on the subject » From this description of my ability to learn are mainly embodied in the area where »

(3) I now is how to achieve the level of the »

Learning to know not only test Ling Dan, I did not test Lingdan, then I am sure that is spent learning some skills. Therefore, even if another poor performance is also studying the results, rather than do not learn the results, then the results are certainly representative of a certain degree of effort and learning methods. Not only to learn how to learn to others, the key lies in their own learning to explore their own on the merits, and carry forward the idea of it. People often say "go beyond self", refers to this point.

2, I learn what is the passion »

(1) there's something special to my heart excited, I particularly have the momentum to complete my goal »

(2) If so, this impulse of passion is what »

(3) completion of the benefits of which are goals I hope that the «

We should know that the desire to meet certain needs can often inspire the ideal. To some people will have a stable life and learning, some people in order to make big money while studying, some high official and learning to do, it was pleased to allow parents and learning, some people in the pursuit of personal independence and learn…… these are understandable, This trend of the times the value of diverse, and there is no higher than a certain value orientation of the natural values of certain issues, the key is to find these allow their exciting point. As long as their full of passion can really learn, you loudly said: "I study and make big money is the driving force married beauty!" Or, as did Lu said: "I am learning purpose is to let 000-899 my mother happy!" All Not embarrassed, because this is your choice.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Attack to calm reflection

Bo Yang of the imperial examination system with ironic poem to criticize the joint entrance exam, and now there are many people like to criticize the university entrance examination to test and China's ancient imperial examination system to analog. It seems that the mainland and Taiwan, although the implementation of different social and political system, but after all, are Chinese, and not only the examination system is very similar, and even criticism of the examination system are the same. The third year, I Like most high school students, very much in favour of this view, until sophomore year have changed. That was a school Moot, the motion is "taking college entrance examination scores of whether the line should be national reunification." We are square: "taking college entrance examination scores of national reunification should be." On this topic, I organized a group discussion, the college entrance examination done a careful analysis. Taking into account anti-imperial examination system can be used only as an example to prove: the uniform examination form and will take the form of college entrance examination to rigid. We prepared a special set of arguments to refute this point of view, the core of the civil service exam and college entrance examination will not do analog. Although the Moot is "the motion decision perspective", the debate in the anti-News of the team did not take things for Imperial, this argument can not be useful. But "Imperial analogy to the defects can not test" for the idea but I accept it and believe in so far. It is precisely because of that debate, the college entrance examination, I began to criticism from Yimei calm reflection.

First of all, we can not because of the decadent Imperial Ming and Qing Dynasties denied the imperial examination system. The imperial examination system in its early stage are more advantages than disadvantages, Yu Qiuyu, "hundreds of thousands of ex0-101 Jinshi," said the very detailed:

The need to establish a widely recognized, the official choice of effective long-term norms, such norms Where »

Is a hereditary. The most simple method, the older generation to do the official, the next generation do so. Slavery is basically the Chinese community in this approach, and later in a feudal social system also partially implemented, called "ex-yam." It is obvious shortcomings of the hereditary system, first, because leadership can not be genetic, as the successor of his predecessors, whether as effective use of power has increasingly become a serious problem and the other is the power to submit to a large extent reduce the imperial court Government officials on the appointment and removal of rights, decentralization of political control.

Stressed that an official of the hereditary and congenital eligible to enter a blind alley, so some began to seek an official Feng Jianzhu acquired the qualifications and performance of the main qualifications acquired in Kung Fu Wencai, and these two aspects. Weekdays see the Taolue Wencai, custody, the family gradually became a talent warehouse, and when to use, with the official Shouyi Zhao Bianpai, This is called "custody disabilities," and some monarch at home raising a number of customers 1000. This approach in. successive politicians and intellectuals are a bit reminiscent of a echocardiography, would like to raise a number of dependants, or would like to be, but it also carefully pondering a lot. Although customers are not Huanyang blood, but custody and custody was in fact the relationship between the MK0-201 extension of a blood relationship, was to become official custody of those who mainly Huanyang implementation of the directive, it is difficult to become manager of Ping Zheng, Probably because of their social and Tianluan. Moreover, the monarch elections custody customers, whether standard or review of methods with great arbitrariness, the whole is far from the custody of personnel. As to military merit Shangji his official powers, can only be seen as an incentive methods, can not be counted as election officer for the right, because as we all know, war and management are two different things entirely. Misuse of the samurai, a common occurrence.

It appears that the day after tomorrow for an official qualification course is a lot of progress, but the day after tomorrow, after all, not innate eligible for corroboration, as no doubt, how to conduct such a qualified set of convincing, became the crux of the problem. It is probably in the Han Dynasty, introduced the "Review cited" system, that is found at any time by local officials and inspected the necessary talent, and then recommend to the Government. Inspection and recommendation is to set an official of qualified than before the more scientific methods. But it is not difficult to imagine that all local officials see the big vision, Beituijianzhe the grade level is also quite different, if not a minimum standard, everything Luantao. In order to overcome this disorder, to Sanguoliangjin the Northern and Southern Dynasties period, it formed a selection of the officials "Jiupinzhongzheng" system. Such a system is from the central government sent a special selection of officials, "Chiang Kai-shek officers" and the various characters as recommended nine grades, and then the basis of this decision by the hierarchy to the rank of high and low. As a result, the relative unity of a judge, the judge who was also a level of disorder to the orderly.

But the sighted to see we will find that this "Jiupinzhongzheng" system of justice depends entirely on whether or not the "Chiang Kai-shek government." In the selection of these officials hold on the unlimited powers of the VIPs thickness of the heart, a life and death to seize the ultimate measuring stick. If they are from door to the first grade level as recommended by the major yardstick, this advanced system also appears to be a variant of a hereditary system. Unfortunately true, ranked a half-day class, did not expect to come up with a final, all important official of the giants fell Shizu hands.

This is the frustration of the Sui and Tang dynasties, the imperial examination system there. I think the biggest advantage of the imperial examination system is fundamentally broken the giants Shizu of the monopoly of political power, so that the composition of state administrative bodies as far as possible in a large community of open. Performance of the imperial examination system to such an tt0-101 enthusiasm: All this piece of land on the talent, are likely to be cited Stubbs of, and can surely give Stubbs of, even if the old Zaichi again, as long as it catches the examination, you always keep the Opportunities. Such enthusiasm in the specific implementation of course greatly reduced, but it did in China has ignited the hope of a rapid spread of fire, real and claimed countless people suddenly inspired to accept competition and selection. State administration and the broad masses of people have an unprecedented pro-and relationships, and its absorption of the intelligence community has greatly increased.

Secondly, we can not because of the imperial examination system and the negative critical examination system itself. The former "is the ability to test the basic quality of modern life" has said that the selection of personnel is not passed the exam feudal dross, but with well-developed market economy adapt to the personnel selection and form. To be a joke, Let's also the only national college entrance examination Examination (now not unified), the United States GRE (GRE) is the global unified examination, regardless of national, ethnic, racial, use the mother tongue with a volume, a test Charges 175 U.S. dollars, up Let's "cool" more. GRE out of 2400, 2,200 Chinese students are not difficult to apply for scholarships, lower than the 2000 difficult to obtain entry qualifications.