Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Philippines frogmen into the shipwreck find more bodies

June 24, the Philippine Coast Guard teams on the 24th at noon, has entered the 21st frogmen sank in the central area of the "stars Princess," Ferry, but only found "many bodies "The hope of finding more survivors slim.

Published the list of persons rescued
According to the "Central News Agency" report, the Philippine Coast Guard team commander Lieutenant General Tama You said in a press conference, frogmen this morning has finally succeeded in entering the "star Princess", at least two dead bodies removed, but still see Many other bodies floating in the cabin inside, search and rescue personnel working on is to be floating in the body of gravity pulled out from the bottom, or directly undermine the hull removed.

As the cabin in the light of darkness, frogmen difficult to estimate the cabin in the end the number of bodies, but according to survivors recalled earlier, the captain ordered Qichuan shortly after the ferry that sank quickly tilt, many people were trapped in the cabin within.

23,000 tons of "Stars Princess" on the 20th of incoming flights from Manila to the central Philippines province of Cebu, because of Typhoon Fengshen encountered, and Luo Bulun in the province on the 21st at noon in the waters sank overturned, according to Chuanke Register, all vessels containing 747 people, including many children.

As of yesterday evening, the sinking of the survivors of the incident has increased to 57 people, who are drifting lifeboat rescued at sea, on the other hand, the waves rushed into several fishing village beach bodies of the victims has reached 20.

Tama You said that currently has a number of victims updated, the Navy and Coast Guard search and rescue team will focus on the survivors, the boat has been initially Discovery at the direction of flow, and clues to gradually expand the search in this area.