Myself to this year three high scores through the CCNA test,presently the test flow, as well as three tests experiences writes,presents to the readers
One: Questionnaire survey
Perhaps takes a test the system not to be dissimilar, thequestionnaire survey which starts can have differently, but askseverybody to can rest assured that,
question all chooses B, Englishquestion you not to need to look much, chooses B by all means. Thenand next, always arrives END, the B option generally all is
expressedown level are general, therefore relative says, the system pulls outthe topic difficulty coefficient can quite be small; But askseverybody to pay
attention, in questionnaire survey, some questioninquires about you whether is 18 years old, had to choose A, meaningalready 18 years old
Last the question inquires about you whether agreed the ciscoagreement, the option is A: Yes, i agree; B: No, i don ' t, ha-ha doesnot want me to say that,
you definitely knew certainly must choose A,if you choose B, then your also this test hung. Once some people choseB, the result have not directly set the
topic of a composition, sayvery regrettably. The test center person makes the phone call to thecisco headquarters, others explanation is; Your cisco
agreement alldid not agree that, you also test any, did not need to test. Finallydoes not have the means, has again in addition to hand over theexpense to Cisco 350-027 Cisco 646-202
test again time.
Agreed underneath cisco the agreement, is right has a end option,clicks, ok, now starts from the server to reassign the topic (commonanswer paper test center
already to finish in same day from Cisco the Asian there downloading, only was temporarily stores in on testcenter server). After the great Cisco second,
the test questionreassigns finished, and start.
Takes a test the official start. (Questionnaire survey generally is 15minutes)
Two: The test question are partial
Reminds everybody attention, in the identical examination sitesame day test person, the test question general change which same daydoes cannot too be big.
Therefore, you may go ahead of time, asked thesame day has tested whether the person does have the recent topic.
In the test, does not permit the backlash, asks everybody earnestly tocomplete each topic. Under and right under angle next, enters as soonas arrives the
test question. The test question altogether is 60, 120minutes tests time (this is uncertain, in November 7 test my test timeis 90 minutes). But 90 minutes
already foot sufficient, first timetests speech, because is perhaps anxious, presents the topic the speedto be able to have slowly, but the slowest 80
minutes also are maycomplete. Therefore, in the test time, asks everybody to feelrelieved.
Possibly can have together or two fills up the topic. All is and thesub- net covers the code division to concern. Therefore everybody mustlearn to use 266-2
n power of exponent the simple algorithm.
In the test can bump into two arrives the experimental topic, is therequest Cisco 350-027 Cisco 646-202 increases the netwrok order. Causes its network to matchpasses, first on each
route show run, examined network orders whethercompletely. After completes must record copy, then uses ping toexamine.
The second topic is about the ip address disposition, the use order isip addres, no shut, is very simple. On TK all has the introduction,
In the first test, is achieving tests the topic together time,my machine once dying machine. Ha-ha, (is scared), for monitors anexam beckons hints, but asks
everybody to can rest assured that,ha-ha, restarted, continues to present the topic, the material stillpreserves. Therefore everybody does not use the fear,
is shocking butnot dangerous, luckily an my ping route, discovered because dyingmachine, I unexpectedly have not preserved a moment ago about
thisexperimental disposition, Cisco , luckily my ping under, continued toduplicate a moment ago order.
Probably because dying machine, this topic preservation. But orrejoices, the before topic still preserved. Ok, go on!
After completes the 60th topic, the right under angle has end exam.Clicks, the exciting time arrived, congratulates you, ha-ha, pass
On personally meets tells you the result as well as passes thescore is 849 minute. Beckons hints monitors an exam, processingafterwards.
Does not need anxiously, the broadcast spot, tries to feel with themusic oneself!