Thursday, September 6, 2007

Windows 98 slows down the reason analysis and the solution

4th, optimized hard disk parameter

A, right strikes "my computer", chooses "the attribute",selects "the hardware" under "the equipment management" the label,then center found your hard disk in "the disk driver", examined itsattribute, in the label selected in "the floppy disk attribute""begins using has read in the buffer"; Microsoft 70-227

B, in "the IDE controller" center separately examined "Primary IDEChannel" and "Secondary IDE Channel" the attribute, in "the high-levelestablishment" center "the equipment type" the hypothesis will be "theautomatic detection", "the mode of transmission" the hypothesis is"DMA (if may use)";

5th, optimized system attribute Microsoft 70-227

A, right strikes "my computer", chooses "the attribute", in "ishigh-level" "the performance option" under the label, selects "theapplication procedure to respond" under "the application procedure";Such system can assign for onstage procedure more resources, causes itrunning rate to be quicker;

B, selected still under this label "the hypothesized memory" under"the change" the option, decided as the hypothesized memory value yourphysics memory 2.5 times, also the maximum value and the minimum valuewere same; For example your physical memory is 32M, that hypothesizedmemory value is 80, the 64M memory is 160; And avoids the hypothesizedmemory establishing as far as possible in with the system documentidentical district in, if win 2,000 installs in the C area,establishes the hypothesized memory in the D area or the E area;

6th, optimized start establishment Microsoft 70-227

A, right strikes "my computer", chooses "the attribute",selects "is high-level" under "the start and the breakdown repair" thelabel, if you have only installed win 20,001 sets of operatingsystems, removes "the demonstration operating system to tabulate" thereelection frame; Then removes "reads in the event the system diary","the transmission management warning" and "automatic restarts" theoption; And "will read in the debugging information" to establish for"does not have";

B, C under the area root table of contents boot.ini document system,is concealed and the read-only attribute removes, opens with thememorandum, [ operating systems ] multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0)partition (1) \WINNT=" Microsoft Windows 2,000 Professional"/fastdetect final fastdetect changes nodetect

C, in "starts - the movement" center to input regedit, opens"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control", right side thewindow SystemStartOptions key value will change NODETECT

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