WinRoute is the movement in Windows 95/NT server software, collectionRouter, Proxy Server, Mail Server, Firewall, NetworkAddressTranslator, the Pass4Sure Cisco CCNA 640-801 Braindumps Scheduler function to a body, in yours localarea network connection Internet.
First, installment
The WinRoute main page address is http: Of //,had division of the Lite version and the Pro version, Lite has beenshort Proxy Server and the Network AddressTranslator function comparedto the Pro version. After the installment restarts the computer, thesystem automatically installs the Winroute service.
Second, establishes WinRouter
Needs to be WinRoute establishes in the local area network theonly IP address. Criss-crossed card IP is:, center fillsin in "mask"; The Modem IP address produces after thedigit dialing, here does not need to elect. In meets in the oralthermometer, opens INTERNET the connection the Pass4Sure Cisco CCNA 640-801 Braindumps NAT function,simultaneously forbids the internal network (net card) the connectionNAT function.
In (1) use constructs DHCP server:
Uses WinRoute the DHCP server to be possible automatically to carry onthe network configuration, simplifies you to the local area networkworkstation disposition. When uses the DHCP server time, you must theestablishment which carries out on the workstation only be establishthem automatically to obtain a IP address from the DHCP server.
1st, selects menu Settings -> DHCP server.
2nd, selects DHCP the server inspection frame, single-clicks Add Newthe Scope button.
3rd, assigns the DHCP server to assign for the workstation IP addressrange. Please tightly recorded your WinRoute main engine already touse a IP address, thus had to avoid using it. The IP address must inthe identical stature network.
4th, assigns Options Pass4Sure Cisco CCNA 640-801 Braindumps(to be important). In the Options option, usesfor to assign other to assign for the workstation information. In theinspection dialog box in front of each part inspection frame, inputsthe appropriate information, the usual input tacitly approves thegateway and the DNS server address (typically is uses WinRoute to takethe DNS server), you will use WinRoute by now the main engine internalIP address (for example You may let other projectmaintenance blanks.
You also may use other third party DHCP servers, but in the identicaltime, your network must only have a DHCP server to move! ! Inspectsyour third party DHCP server whether distributes the correctinformation to give your client workstation. For instance, tacitlyapproves the gateway, the IP address, DNS, must establish WinRoute themain engine internal IP address.
In (2) use constructs Pass4Sure Cisco CCNA 640-801 Braindumps DNS retransmits:
In the majority situation, you may use DNS forwarder which in WinRouteconstructs to take your network computer DNS server. Confirmed inWinRoute constructs DNS forwarder is opens moreover disposes.
Third, establishment digit dialing
If you are the digit dialing access the net, then also mustestablish the good Dial-Up item, chooses Settings-> Dial-Up.Chooses in Line MODEM which uses in the digit dialing to access thenet, in BaudRate establishes the MODEM speed like 115,200. ChoosesDial Up, Dial Mode chooses Tone. In Phone Nr: Center fills in accessesthe net the telephone, like 163 or 169. Selects Use Script (infiledial.ppp), then edits WinRoute under the table of contents dial.pppthis document, can realize automatically registers, an example asfollows:
Trace on # opens the track
Recv 10 " Sername" # Waits for " Sername" Tenseconds
Send " Yourname\r" # Sends out user
Recv 10 " Assword" # Waits for " Assword" Tenseconds
Send " Yourpassword\r" # Sends out the password
Fourth, establishes the local area network the TCP/IP agreement
Regarding local area network in all computers, the TCP/IPagreement establishment all is same. -> "The network" center choosesTCP/IP in "the control panel", center found Gateway in "the attribute"(gateway), increases WinRoute the main engine the IP address (forexample the achievement to tacitly approve the gateway.Also may establish in the WinRoute DHCP service, it can automaticallyautomatically assign this value for yours workstation! Centerincreases your ISP DNS address in "the DNS disposition", for instance172.18.95.2. Then center machine assigns an only IP address in "the IPaddress" for each, like, "The sub- netshield" all fills in After establishes restarts thecomputer.
If all establishments are correct, then after your local area networkconnects Internet, in local area network each machine all could onInternet.
Fifth, establishment proxy Pass4Sure Cisco CCNA 640-801 Braindumps server
The proxy server Port number examined in menu Setting ProxyServer that, tacitly approves the value is 3,128, mainly is othercomputers browser software assigns the agent server for the local areanetwork in, enters the proxy server on local area network IP address(for example and the Port number (for example 3,128),then accesses the net this server as the proxy server.
WinRoute supports http, ftp and gopher proxy. When uses proxy, proxyserver can visit the stand the content to put in own cache, such manypeople of visits identical stand time, proxy server can as far aspossible read the fetching from cache according to, speeds up thevisit speed. Moreover, WinRoute proxy server also may establish ChengDang visit to stand is severed by (user), from WinRoute continues toread in this stand the content to cache in (Cache under the Optionsitem to select Continue Aborted, but chose Keep Aborted no longer toread in), like this when the user returned to this stand (for exampleselected IE or the Navigator back chart sign), was allowed rapidly toobtain the content which original read in not with enough time.
But, now on the rivers and lakes proxy hunter runs amuck, once yourproxy server was discovered, heh heh, has you to receive. Attention! !! Who WinRoute proxy server in does lack under the province conditionis may 由任 visit! Chooses Settings-> from the menu; Proxy Server,lacks the province the port is 3,128 (changes it). Under Access, fillsin you the stand which may visit to the different user account (URL)limit. For example, chooses Allow to [ Admin ] the group,then the non- Admin group's members may not visit GoalURL may use the uniform allocation symbol "*", for example "* com".Fills in goal URL "*", under Allow to anything does not fill in, thenproxy is not all open to any non- Admin component members(suggestion). Admin component member not proxy visit limit, whenestablishment account number should consider this point. If did notthink proxy server plays the role, does not suppose any accountnumber, and visits any stand using the uniform allocation symbol *limit. Moreover, proxy server is supposes on Yu Benji IP, but non-WinRoute takes two IP.
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