Friday, November 2, 2007

Famous journalist to interview bin Laden said the meeting be examined six days

I think perhaps I did have the opportunity to kill him, but why did I do this? I just want to finish my interview. First of all, I was a reporter, then, is the Americans.

Arnett were recorded this year, 72-year-old Arnett is the world famous pool, the 1966 Pulitzer Prize winner International reported. Over the years, Arnett a total of 57 major press awards, in 2006, Britain's Queen awarded him the New Zealand Order of Merit in recognition of his work in journalism excellence.

Arnett most well-known that it was in 1991 the first time when the Persian Gulf war broke out in Baghdad's and the then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and carried out by the visit.

In 1981, Arnett joined ABC, specialized reports Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa, the war news. After the outbreak of war in Afghanistan, the United States NBC and Microsoft an interview with the National Radio Network. Contingent left field, Arnett is still in Afghanistan for their networks reported daily fighting.

His high forehead, eyes , slightly hoarse voice, it is natural that the Americans with a sense of humor. He has 72 years old this year, perhaps you can not imagine that half a century after the elderly, running in the global smoky battlefield, from the 1960s Vietnam War, the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq war, the war in Afghanistan and have exclusive interview with Saddam and the present - Osama bin Laden .

October 26, the world-renowned pool, Pulitzer Prize winner Peter - Arnett (Peter Arnett) visited Zhuhai, a joint International College in Zhuhai, spoke of her own ups and battlefield stories.

He did not rescue the broadest group of self-immolation "I just a journalist should not directly intervene in the process of history"

The Associated Press reported the Vietnam War, Arnett was a done is 13, from the start of the war to stay until the end of the war.

"1962 summer, the Associated Press sent me to the south, then, this is a mini-war. However, waiting for me in Vietnam, is a much more significant than expected news stories. At that time, Vietnam is a country divided, the north is the communist MB3-210 MB5-294 MB6-202 regime, the south is a democratic regime , it is also a core of the struggle during the Cold War - communism and the Western camp against. "Arnett showed the one he had photographs: an emaciated Vietnamese sit on the floor, half of the body has been burning up. "This is October 5, 1963, a Buddhist monk in order to protest against the United States government launched the Vietnam War, Saigon City in a crossroads of self-immolation, I was very scared. But I still pick up the first camera to take his photo. "Monk's self-immolation on the day after published photos, there is the United States newspaper editorials questioned Arnett: Why was not first try to prevent that monk self-immolation? While Arnett for their reaction was: "I was a reporter, not a fireman or rescue others on the suffering of the guardian angel. The monk's death was not accident, but the United States under the control of the political product of the Vietnamese government. I, as a reporter, should not directly intervene in historical process. " Arnett said, then the United States government would like to prevent them from reporting the truth, hope to use military means to scare them. But they continue to report, but did not use public messaging system, but some of the information to an interview by the Civil Aviation to Bangkok or Hong Kong, and other neighboring cities friendly visitors, to enable them to the reports and photographs in the local branch.

He Baghdad bombing at the scene, "If I was afraid, we missed excellent shot" two Gulf War, Peter? Arnett are on the battlefield. He said: "I like a soldier, but the most important difference between them is that I do not have guns." When someone asked on the battlefield, he will not feel scared, lonely, not happy with the time, Peter? Arnett said with a smile: "Let me most happy is not on the battlefield, I could not daily whiskey." "I almost daily in the face of death. Sometimes I also would like to see the photographs, and why these people died, why they have to put up with hunger, why have the American soldiers to kill themselves , but I know that I can do, I just want a way to see, I have heard all the reports out. "Arnett is also showing him a photo of proud of the fact that he is in the second Gulf War battlefield, U.S. forces bombed Baghdad in the shooting. The pictures, a huge fireball exploded not far away from the window, we can see faint fuzzy around the buildings became the flames. Arnett recalled, when he used video cameras in the room facing the window shooting, did not expect to aircraft dropped bombs on the house next to the explosion in the opposite, the blink of an eye, he was tremendous airflow suddenly pushed to the wall behind, but still firmly grasp the cameras, go ahead to continue shooting. "I had no time to fear, because if I was afraid of the case, the lens on this excellent missed."

An interview with the West - Osama bin Laden first person "before the interview was inspected six days, even the T can belt"

As before the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, the first interview - Osama bin Nortel 920-120 920-240 920-242 Laden's Western reporters, said that the - bin Laden is a very dangerous person. "He is very rich, private armies, no country, no race, no family, no land, no owner, but he can kill many, many people." Arnett said this - Osama bin Laden inherited from his father a 200 million US dollars, but his own use in their everyday clothing, but very , he vowed to Americans expelled from the Arab world. "Many Arabs do not like this - Osama bin Laden, but the Taliban government like him, because he has given them a lot of money. He likes the Taliban government, as they closed schools, the admission of women to stay at home. He and the Taliban government believes the same criteria, the use of force is necessary to achieve its objectives , as long as it is to reach their goal, all sacrifices are necessary. "March 1997, Arnett passage of this - Osama bin Laden in London offices, in East Afghanistan's Jalalabad terrorists tight control on a hill to see the face of the beard - Osama bin Laden. This - Osama bin Laden is very sensitive to reporters, he accepted Arnett in an interview before his people spent six days time confirmed Arnett and his producer and cameraman is not dangerous. "We can not wear watches, belts, not even with T." "Even T can bring?" When asked, "Yes. Because they are afraid we would use the tip of this - Osama bin Laden. "Even Arnett's shirt, cuff crack have been carefully checked because they afraid he would needle possession of a class where things. "Since we can not use belts, we have led the waist of trousers to walk." Arnett what he says with a smile than a pull pants look. "Our possession was also fitted with a light-reflecting device, no matter where we go, they all know that." The first six days of the evening, Arnett and his producer, cameraman finally be covered head away more than two hours after the mountain, to see this - Osama bin Laden. "There are two personal bodyguards to protect him, I question in English, he answered in Arabic. I asked him three questions, why launch terrorism? Who is the next target? He and family relations? "" Later, the United States reporter asked me, why then do not kill bin Laden, Since he is so dangerous figure. I think perhaps I did have the opportunity to kill him, but why did I do this? I am just a reporter, I just want to finish my interview. "