Sunday, November 11, 2007

Intel will soon release a new generation of 45-nanometer processor

Intel plans to introduce this week a new generation of processors. Intel's new processor using a 45-nanometer production process, the number of transistors than the previous generation products increased by 40 percent. At the same time, the new processor has also adopted new materials to address the issue of electrical leakage.

Intel will be Monday released 16 of the new processors, the main game for servers and high-end PCs. In these processors, the most complex one has 820 million transistors, instead of the previous generation 65-nanometer production process processor maximum 5.82 million units. Intel In the 1970s, introduced the first processor only 2,300 transistors. Along with the continuous upgrading production technology, Intel processors can be deployed in more transistors, thereby upgrading the processor performance, and reduce production costs. Using 45-nanometer production process, in such a big place needles can be deployed over 3,000 10,000 transistors.

More importantly, the new Intel processors used in a new transistor material, can effectively address the issue of leakage of electricity. With shrinking the size of transistors, more severe electrical leakage, resulting processor excessive heat and power consumption issues have become increasingly prominent. In a certain sense, electricity leakage has become obstacles to further improve processor performance bottlenecks. Intel's Digital Enterprise Group General Manager Tom Kilroy (Tom Kilroy) said: "This is not just a volume on the 'shrink', but the re-transformation of the transistor."

Intel plans to invest 8 billion US dollars for the upgrading and construction of 45-nanometer processor factories. Using 45-nanometer production process, Intel rival AMD at least six months ahead. According to the latest product road map, Intel will be 2008 first quarter using 45-nanometer production process of mainstream desktop and notebook processors, and AMD plans to begin in 2008 mid-term sales of 45-nanometer processor.

The processor design, AMD maintained a certain advantages, primarily reflected in Direct Connect Architecture and integrated memory controller and so on, this is the company's products with Intel to counter the main reason. Intel also recently announced that it will join in the next processor integrated memory controller. AMD spokesman John Taylor (John Taylor): "When you are too concerned about processor IBM 000-913 000-S02 000-P02 000-M08 000-M11 000-447 000-715 000-632 000-910 000-229 000-443 000-256 000-299 production process, then they will ignore the overall solution."

Intel will be Monday launched the four core server processor speeds in the 2 GHz to 3.2 GHz, dual-core processor speeds up to 3.4 GHz. Intel said that these processors will be the next 45 days on sale.