Regarding the certain scale local area network, we generally use DHCPto serve the dynamic processing customer end IP address disposition.But when some customer unites into the local local area networkthrough DHCP, Cisco related information may visit the local shared resource or bring the virus,brings the security hidden danger for ours local network. How canprevent without authorization obtains in the company network themachine the machine DHCP address information?
In the local area network machine must carry on before the networkcommunication or the resources deposit and withdrawal, must carry onthe basic network parameter disposition (for example IP, DNS, gatewayand so on), this kind of parameter may the static assignment ordynamic obtains. Manual disposition address although reliable, butquite time-consuming and is easy regarding the certain scale localarea network to make a mistake.
By now we needed to use the DHCPservice (dynamic main engine disposition agreement), came the dynamicprocessing customer end the IP address disposition. DHCP may and initializes IP through the lease to relate, providesautomatically and safely assigns and rents the IP address informationfor the local TCP/IP network in, thus realizes the IP centralmanagement, basically does not need manager's artificial intervention.But the matter general meeting has its dual character, although theDHCP service may automatically assign the IP information for thecustomer end, but when some customer unites into the local local areanetwork through DHCP, may visit the local shared resource or somesensitive materials. Even if opposite party does not have the evilintention, but on the client possibly has some virus or the woodenjockey club harms the local network the security. Therefore, not onlyis the server end needs safely to dispose, to the customer end alsoshould some pointed management.
Actually we may found a DHCP kind for the customer end machine,assigns a gateway, the DNS information on the DHCP server for thiskind, if Cisco related information will not have this DHCP kind of machine to be unable to reachthis point the gateway or the DNS information, certainly also will beunable to obtain the correlation disposition or the jurisdiction, likeInternet's visit power. How do here we discuss establish the DHCPkind, prevented without authorization obtains in the company networkthe machine the machine DHCP address information (below to operate allrealizes in identical webpage).
Must to call it "local area network connection" net card dispositionuser class ID is "myuserclass" the DHCP kind, only needs in the orderline to input ipconfig /setclassid "Local Area Connection"myuserclass, then presses down the carriage return then. Only hastogether the net card in the customer end, therefore here also maywrite "ipconfig /setclassid * long" like this, the asterisk representsthe local all connections, such customer end can use ID is the LongDHCP user class. Chart 2 was already the Windows 2,000 systemscustomers end local network parameter which disposed.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Jiangsu rather passes high speed walks 24 kilometers to collect fees20 Yuan
Why walks 24 kilometers to have to hand over 20 Yuan This April 26, reporter in Jiangsu Province interview period,drives the vehicles on rather to pass the highway from Yangchow to goto Taizhou, after pays 10 Yuan general to spend the drivingapproximately more than 10 kilometers, in brick bridge charge highcollar card. Reporter collects fees the line to Taizhou when stands,the charge request hands over 20 Yuan highway general expense, butaccording to the vehicles course table computation, actually actuallyonly walked at that time 24 kilometers distances. According to thecharge station announcement each kilometer 0.45 Yuan charge standard,the road management control section must charge 10.8 Yuan generalexpense. Afterwards, reporter proposed to the Jiangsu Province transportdepartment department concerned this road section exceeds the allowedfigure the charge question, actually is informed, in front of brickbridge charge high collar card goes more than 10 kilometer Lu Yeyaopays fee. Price bureau: Is the question left over by history Reporter arrives the Jiangsu Province price bureau for this,just opened the receipt which that 20 Yuan general spent, this game ofservice price place Department Head Wu said: "Brick bridge matter,unsolved problem." He said that, "Suit brick bridge charge matter verymany, we also repeatedly carried on have verified, indeed Canada hasreceived in front of the brick bridge more than 10 kilometer generalexpense, the reason is the before path transformation and so on linksup the question not to complete, also involved factor and so on chargemain body, was not easy to change." Reporter takes up the calculator computation immediately, even if addson 10 kilometers, according to 35 kilometers computations receivable15.75 Yuan, which determines based on the pricing department 37 doesfive enters the price way computation, actually also must only charge15 Yuan. Regarding this the conclusion, Department Head Wu says withdifficulty rightly. Transport department: Also Canada has received the bridge expense Leaves after the price bureau, reporter has received theJiangsu Province transport department laws and regulations placeDepartment Head Gao's telephone, he explained: "Is added besides thebrick bridge in front of more than 10 kilometers roads receives, afterin 1997 abolished the Miao village bridge 5 Yuan bridge to spend alsoincluding." Department Head Gao also supplements the road: "The Miao villagebridge loans the construction, once has constructed the chargestation, this charge stands with the brick bridge charge stands verynear, the common people reflect intensely, abolished, but loans hasnot paid off, also could not other reconstruction charge station,have to make up in the brick bridge." Cisco 642-371"More than 10 year Canada has received these 5 Yuan, hasn't paid offthis old bridge the money?" Reporter proposes the question to him, butDepartment Head Gao actually dodges said, the account goal matter isnot he manages. In interview period, reporter also knew that, this kind travels byvehicle the charge matter to stand besides the brick bridge chargesouth, gets the card in the Nanjing three bridges to six to gather themaster line charge to stand Huai An, enters the northern Jiangsuhighway networking, also Canada has received gets in front of the card10 Yuan general expense, but walks this route ordinary consumercertainly not all to know the circumstances of the matter. Industry and commerce department: Conceals travels by vehicle not notproperly the charge behavior very Regarding this, Jiangsu Province bureau of industry andcommerce Consumer Association comrades in charge believed that,whether the industry and commerce department does punish to this kindof behavior, must by the pricing department first recognize whetherviolates the price law, but the traffic department at least should tocarry on more explicit informing through this road section pilot,conceals travels by vehicle the charge behavior very not not properly. Reporter discovered in the interview that, draws up general spends thereceipt the unit for the Jiangsu Province highway managementadministrative center, this center manages the enterprise, but is afamily work industry unit, only arranges in Jiangsu Province managesthe registration registration, has not carried on the industry andcommerce registration, 2005 according to the Jiangsu Provincegovernment office document notice, is end of the year incorporatedinto by the whole the Jiangsu transportation limited company tomanage, saves the transport department simultaneously to have theinstruction, the surveillance responsibility. Regarding this thesituation, industry and commerce department comrades believed that,this kind of charge also incompletely is enterprise's market behavior,the industry and commerce department cannot rest on the authorityinvestigation.
After the Anhui Huangshan Mountain Jin Ping Mei park suffers theexposure to achieve both fame and fortune
Recently, west the Anhui Huangshan Mountain city Huizhou area souththe brook the village walked "the sex appeal" the traveling route,take "Jin Ping Mei" the story as the background, invested 20000000 todevelop the Jin Ping Mei ruins park. After the media report, isresponsible for the company which develops to encounter theaccusation. Reporter investigates the discovery, in the park does notsee "the sex appeal", development company executive stated, reportedenable them (Cisco 642-381) "to achieve both fame and fortune". The west gate celebrates the garden at present to empty West the Anhui Province Huangshan Mountain city Huizhou areasouth the brook the village take "Jin Ping Mei" the story as thecultural context, invests more than 20 million developments toconstruct "Jin Ping Mei" the ruins park. Reported, south the AnhuiHuangshan Mountain city west brook the scenic area has become "thenumerous arrows", the scenic area staff emits "the rejection mediainterviews" the sign in the entrance. West is responsible for souththe brook scenic area development Huizhou to travel developmentlimited company General Manager Yang Tang company to indicate that,"media report news, in the scenic area does not study the west gatewith the scholar ' to celebrate ' the prototype garden, is only aspatial courtyard, ' has nothing to do with with ' the naturalculture, moreover ' the Jin Ping Mei ruins park ' the investment onlymore than 6 million Yuan, are far from with more than 20 millionYuan." "Told the truth, also the thanks media report, enable us to achieveboth fame and fortune... ... " Yang Tang company smiles was saying. Park actually the Ming Dynasty "orchard" "The scholar initially textually researches ' the west gate tocelebrate ' the prototype garden 12 buildings, refers for the the MingDynasty center salt industry big shot, ' hundred concubinesmasters ' Wu Tianxing. This garden is his garden, also is called ' 12buildings '." Huizhou travels development limited company marketinspector general Cheng Yan to say. "12 buildings" a front surface rockery, the hill constructs accordingto the pond, by grotesque big Shi Leicheng, opens has the portal. Inthe hole the space is enormous, may accommodate dozens of people.North Dongkou lays aside one "Tibet spring the shipyard" to introducethe sign, and has "Jin Ping Mei" the book illustration. Cheng Yansaid, orchard area 4,000 square meters.
The Tianjin Binhai newly developed area carries on the financialbreakthrough
"The Tianjin Binhai newly developed area biggest special policy is thenational synthesis necessary reform pilot area which the countryawards, may say, the Tianjin Binhai newly developed area is thenational synthesis necessary reform experiment first area." On April16 the morning, Tianjin Binhai newly developed area management meetinglaboratory Assistant Director Xing Chun lives speaks of "the firstarea" three characters, suddenly aggravated the tonality. State Council promulgates "the State Council from May 26, 2006 Toadvance Binhai Newly developed area Development To open RelatedQuestion Opinion" (next to call "Opinion") authorizes Tianjin to takeafter national synthesis necessary reform pilot area, the Tianjinofficial establishment "Binhai Newly developed area SynthesisNecessary Reform Pilot area Plan" already sends the country in frontof this year Spring Festival to send changes the committee as well asthe correlation department solicits the opinion. Because "Binhai Newlydeveloped area Synthesis Necessary Reform Pilot area Plan" the overallplan involves very many aspects, needs the national each correlationfunction department to agree, now the overall plan middle thecoordination, "but could not wait very for a long time". "What is worth mentioning," Opinion "under sends for a year, theTianjin Binhai newly developed area occurs the change focusesattention on the world. The economic output continues to develop, allthese mainly benefit to the State Council gives Binhai the newlydeveloped area ' first to try the gold content highest policy inadvance '." Tianjin Binhai newly developed Cisco 646-391 area management meetinglaboratory Assistant Director Xing Chun lives to the Binhai newlydeveloped area summary is brief and to the point, according to StateCouncil's request, the Binhai newly developed area already or wasgoing to carry on in four aspects first tries in advance. One is the financial reform and the innovation. In the financialreform and the innovation aspect, the Bohai Sea industry investmentfund as well as the management company already officially set up, in2006 the fund overall scale was 20 billion, the first period raised afund is 6.08 billion Yuan. Two is the land management system reform. A Binhai newly developedarea big superiority has the big piece the land to be possible to usein to develop the construction, at present faces how does the questionis cause the land in not to harm any person benefit under the premiseto realize is most superior, turns the construction to use. Three is the to foreign countries opening up. Authorizes the Binhainewly developed area to establish the Dong Jiang bonded port, itssignificance and the function are different with the original bondedarea, the foreign ships anchor on the port may no longer pay taxes,like this more convenient Chinese and foreign economy exchange. Four is the administration organizational reform. Some contradictionsexists which facing Tianjin old administrative area and between thenew development merit energy region, the central committee requeststhe Binhai newly developed area to explore the region development thenew pathway, advances the region economy development with the newsystem new mechanism. Tianjin Binhai newly developed area management meeting Director PiQiansheng indicated on the other day that, in 2006 the Binhai newlydeveloped area realization total output value was 196.049 billionYuan, the average per person total output value amounts to 17,300 USdollars. The Binhai newly developed area is has in the extremely goodfoundation in to develop, also the economy grows the speed is higherthan the Pudong newly developed area. "Reform so long as the direction to, can the emancipate the productiveforces, therefore the Binhai newly developed area development, is mostobvious to the Tianjin old city impetus." Xing Chun lives directorproud to say. The Binhai newly developed area fast development makes one exclaim insurprise, but in developing process, also has met some industryindustry internal structure not Taishun's questions. "The Binhai newly developed area a quite prominent question whichmeets in the developing process is introduces the foreign capital notto be possible to hold controls the nature. Our preceding stage is byintroduces the foreign capital primarily, takes the introductionforeign capital the main development power. But the foreign capitalcomes any is any, cannot hold controls. But our how many to foreigncapital some dependences: If the foreign capital enters few, theinvestment is insufficient, the development can drop; The foreigncapital enters much, has a domestic capital, the foreign capitalfusion question, industry industry internal structure not Taishun."Said in the Binhai newly developed area development exists thequestion, Xing Chun lives assistant director not to evade. He tells reporter, now Binhai newly developed area big enterprise andforeign capital many, but mid- and small-scale enterprise are few.Passes through from the south area development examines, mid- andsmall-scale enterprise exactly is in the economical development a mostactive part, its resources disposition is also most nimble, turnsaround quickly. Xing Chun lives assistant director to borrow "theChinese Economical Weekly" for to propose the new special zoneprovinces and cities raise to awake: In the introduction foreigncapital aspect, must have the goal to introduce some to suit thislocal industry characteristic the profession, must pay attention withthe domestic capital fusion.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hundred mile nobody smoke
Can survive the wild animal in this world which gets down all to havethe extremely huge ability and the destructive power, certainly, maysurvive the humanity in this world which gets down with other mainlandhumanities to compare, also valiant fierce are very many. "According to the estimate travelling schedule, we went out the snowand ice forest... ... " This is called the pond cold maple tree theman already entered in the recollection history. Year to year moves nearby the snow and ice forest, the snow and iceforest opposite side defense force says, the insufficient Cheng Taidadanger, likely this, after has already repelled 3 snows beasts'attack, two production brigades' empire armies safely arrived theKazak rice kingdom territory. Which troop but on returns to the empire in, which troop continues toescort in this question, Leica. and between the pond cold mapletree quarrelled. Everybody acknowledged this line of risks are extremely big, thereforeall must snatch must go. Leica attempts with two reasons to convince the pond coldmaple tree: 646-589 Transcenders Cisco
Crosses Long Yashan
All submits the credentials to the northern Kazak rice kingdomcountry, walks the mainland road, 300 kilometers, approximatelyconsume when 10 day, but in fact north, although the ice begs iswilling the tower to be located the Kazak rice kingdom, but entersbegs hopes the tower only path actually west within the boundaries ofLong Yashan Kazak rice kingdom, therefore must return once more to theKazak rice kingdom. From northern Kazak Mi Guodu to the dragon tooth Shanxi side, walksthe mainland road, 450 kilometers, approximately consume when 17 day. The sierra marches forward along Long Yashan to the southeast to triesto practice the cavern, 300 kilometers, the non- mainland road, nobodysmoke area, approximately consumes when 20 day. Tries to practice the cavern, 150 kilometers, the non- mainland road,approximately consumes when 12 day. The entire travelling schedule round-trip consumes when approximately200 days, in addition when two countries both time, entireconsumes about 230 days. Recently for four years, Leica. and the pond cold maple treecoordination completes the duty are extremely many, but this is theyfirst time quarrels in the duty. The pond cold maple tree's pronunciation is more and more heavy, theamy and grandfather's mood also more and more heavy ~ ~ has the lifein the ice-bound mainland person, only then knows the ice-boundmainland the danger. 646-589 Online Courses Cisco
Armored war horse ice Ge Ruhua comes
After a low and deep wolf howls, in the room outside the room snowwolf's sound very quickly vanishes. The old person opens hesitates opens the sheet iron gate a small seam,after the slit confirmed truly does not have any snow wolf, the oldperson only then completely opens the gate. Wears the amy empire tradition clothing the middle-aged person sitsnearby the bed, saw the old person comes out, immediately ,politeness nods to the old person salutes. " uncle, hello. I am Leica friend which knew in thearmy, I am called the cold maple tree The pond, or you call me thepond cold maple tree to be also good, like this possibly more freelyspoken somewhat." "Uncle, my daddy?" The amy jumps out the tunnel to worry to askimmediately this youth man, the old person feature also revealsthe similar question. "Mmm, accurate speaking, I did not know, therefore I only then arrivehere." This young people's in all seriousness speaking. "The general situation is such... ... " Under 哈伯 old person'shinting, the young people sat nearby the bed speak him to come a seagram village the reason.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The vehicle city hopefully appears third Lian Jiang
"After 51" the festival, regularly is buys the second-hand vehicle thegood opportunity. Reporter understood from the Beijing second-handvehicle transaction market, the gold cycle the second-hand vehiclecity passenger capacity and the old times compared the change not tobe big, the turnover although has not at present counted, butobserved the market to discover bought the vehicle person not to bemany. Because "51" many new vehicles appear reduce prices, thesecond-hand vehicle customers all in wait and see, hoped appears thesecond-hand vehicle along with it after the festival reducing prices. Beijing old vehicle transaction market inspector general Wang Mengintroduced, after the festival because is the second-hand vehicletransaction off season, the second-hand vehicle price naturally canhave the certain scope reducing, in addition the new vehicleunceasingly reduces prices, after this year "51" the second-handvehicle city falls all over the area has become the foregoneconclusion. Therefore, after the festival may say is purchases thesecond-hand vehicle the good opportunity.
2,007 worlds competitive ability comparison and appraisal
The IMD analysis, this year places the phenomenon which most is worthpaying attention is the emerging economical body competitive abilitylarge promotion, the developed country and the area since long agocompetitive advantage no longer, a mainland China competitive abilitygroup long is red, from 2005 29th advance to last year 18th, this yearfor 15th, and first surmounted the Taiwan area. The Taiwan area continuously two years regressed, drew backagain by last year 17th, still maintained in the Asian and Pacificarea fifth, but above 20 million population the area, the place drewback for sixth. IMD pointed out, Taiwan area performance most in aspect and soon social cohesive force, political stable risk, policy directionuniformity, place respectively be 51st, 50, 48; Other for examplefinancial system risks, financial organ transparency, stock marketindex, handset tariff and so on also all in finally ten.
The universities changes the graduate student educational system threeyears to suffer the student to question
This school people commercial law master's degree student TeacherProfessor Zhao Jiayi said, although the school graduate studenteducates continuously implements the 2~4 year elastic educationalsystem, but applies for 4 years student nearly not to have, 3 yearsare not many. "How can the elastic educational system evolve two yearssystem?" Professor Zhao said that, two years system master's degreestudent wants to be busy is writing the paper, looks for the work,tests the certificate, the actual study time only has about a year,the overall specification and the quality have the drop. The graduatestudent is attending class the study -odd to be supposed to have moretime to read, does the research. He suggested that, the graduatestudent educates should aim at the different student, theestablishment has the difference the raise plan, the school wasconsidering is two years system student reset stricter graduationthreshold. Central China normal university graduate student everywhere long red expression, although once had the individual student to requestthe school to alter to for two years to make master, but the CentralChina normal university has recruited master since 1978 the graduatestudent, besides individual studies for doctorate ahead of time orspecially outstanding graduates ahead of time, 95% above master thegraduate students all were 3 years graduation.
Loses appearance
One day, we suddenly were laid up with an illness. After is restoredto health, is treating the mirror, discovered on the forehead how alsocan'teliminate the wrinkle, and the bridge of the nose skinalready relaxed. This is the middle-aged indication, it does not payattention while us, . We get out of bed the first matterare every day look piles up in the corner of the eye massive wrinkles,is not gradually is fading. But, day after day, they do not go toItaly. By now we had middle-aged person's all chronic illness. These pain donot have one are not youth initial period and the youth time have not been able to obey the instruction but the general idea to create tothe health care. The arthritis, the gastric disease, the nasosinusitisand the headache, the aching back and legs, the Dou heart rhythminitiates not together serious palpitation, so long as a negligence,they will be able to jump, will overturn oneself in the place. Nearbyin our bed and book shelf, many 35 medicine handbook, female alreadyfrom at the beginning of manner wife when actually continuouslydoesn't clarify the gestation period in which period of time girl,turned own and husband's health care doctor, and likes taking themedicine and the tonic. We once were 27 years old on have sunksickness to be difficult to feel restless, suspected oneself will notbe can enjoy forever the year. We try to persist to jog, after butthree days then discovered, own or that deficient will person,difficulty with likes the old people which these borders on the timeof death, for enjoys more than 1 day-long sunlight but to spend toleave the most of the day time to exercise. We pull out the time tojoin not to need the will the healthy association, or tries the peoplewhich everywhere with the park in delimits to practice the set ofTaoism unreliable merit, but soon actually discovered, these peopleare not the nerve have the problem, is the cowhide big king, purelytalks nonsense. We often honestly spend look at doctor, no longerlikes 23 year old of such plan very to pass slight illness.
Does the life road hey, how more walk narrowly... ...
Perhaps today, definitely is compared to that fashion, we now must beable to have one kind of dead end to 26 year old of talent moved toraid the heart. This year dream extinguishes, acted like a differentperson with former own. We close the eye, struggles considers has agood dream, but outside the window the sun has been high, we areunable to rest again. Under that clear sunlight, the life significancefrailly appears such to be tasteless. Every one day, we must in thesleepiness most fragrant thickest morning, most not be willing by thealarm clock which hears to awaken, we faint heavily wash rinse, calmlyand steadily eats several breakfasts without enough time, thenhurriedly rushes to the office or the workshop, slacks off on the jobafter eight hour full load, trades income which only suffices tosurvive. We in how many pitiful holidays which in a year only has, islooking the growth child, often thought, they future also must havethis kind of bored mood? All these unexpectedly the ideal life whichyearned for with our childhood, is distanced that remotely, simply isthe huge difference. We pass through narrow neighborhood daily, the housing which we take awalk which and gallops the world as well as we roost occupyunexpectedly is that small and narrow, makes us despair. Proposes "thephysiology regarding the humanism psychologist, safe, home to returnto, respect, self-realization" the life five kind of basic requests,actually we now did this kind of condition which approach them! Looksthese fly Canada from Burma, from Beijing straight toward Egypt'swestern people, we sometimes intensely felt oneself calls it withdifficulty "the person". Because does not have an assurance to be ableto cause own descendant to be called "the person", certainly alsobecause our this generation of person does not have the elder suchsense of responsibility, our many people decided does not leave behindown to the world child, so as to avoid meets the similar pain whenthem blames us unexpectedly cruel-heartedly them to bring to thisworld.
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