Monday, May 14, 2007
The Tianjin Binhai newly developed area carries on the financialbreakthrough
"The Tianjin Binhai newly developed area biggest special policy is thenational synthesis necessary reform pilot area which the countryawards, may say, the Tianjin Binhai newly developed area is thenational synthesis necessary reform experiment first area." On April16 the morning, Tianjin Binhai newly developed area management meetinglaboratory Assistant Director Xing Chun lives speaks of "the firstarea" three characters, suddenly aggravated the tonality. State Council promulgates "the State Council from May 26, 2006 Toadvance Binhai Newly developed area Development To open RelatedQuestion Opinion" (next to call "Opinion") authorizes Tianjin to takeafter national synthesis necessary reform pilot area, the Tianjinofficial establishment "Binhai Newly developed area SynthesisNecessary Reform Pilot area Plan" already sends the country in frontof this year Spring Festival to send changes the committee as well asthe correlation department solicits the opinion. Because "Binhai Newlydeveloped area Synthesis Necessary Reform Pilot area Plan" the overallplan involves very many aspects, needs the national each correlationfunction department to agree, now the overall plan middle thecoordination, "but could not wait very for a long time". "What is worth mentioning," Opinion "under sends for a year, theTianjin Binhai newly developed area occurs the change focusesattention on the world. The economic output continues to develop, allthese mainly benefit to the State Council gives Binhai the newlydeveloped area ' first to try the gold content highest policy inadvance '." Tianjin Binhai newly developed Cisco 646-391 area management meetinglaboratory Assistant Director Xing Chun lives to the Binhai newlydeveloped area summary is brief and to the point, according to StateCouncil's request, the Binhai newly developed area already or wasgoing to carry on in four aspects first tries in advance. One is the financial reform and the innovation. In the financialreform and the innovation aspect, the Bohai Sea industry investmentfund as well as the management company already officially set up, in2006 the fund overall scale was 20 billion, the first period raised afund is 6.08 billion Yuan. Two is the land management system reform. A Binhai newly developedarea big superiority has the big piece the land to be possible to usein to develop the construction, at present faces how does the questionis cause the land in not to harm any person benefit under the premiseto realize is most superior, turns the construction to use. Three is the to foreign countries opening up. Authorizes the Binhainewly developed area to establish the Dong Jiang bonded port, itssignificance and the function are different with the original bondedarea, the foreign ships anchor on the port may no longer pay taxes,like this more convenient Chinese and foreign economy exchange. Four is the administration organizational reform. Some contradictionsexists which facing Tianjin old administrative area and between thenew development merit energy region, the central committee requeststhe Binhai newly developed area to explore the region development thenew pathway, advances the region economy development with the newsystem new mechanism. Tianjin Binhai newly developed area management meeting Director PiQiansheng indicated on the other day that, in 2006 the Binhai newlydeveloped area realization total output value was 196.049 billionYuan, the average per person total output value amounts to 17,300 USdollars. The Binhai newly developed area is has in the extremely goodfoundation in to develop, also the economy grows the speed is higherthan the Pudong newly developed area. "Reform so long as the direction to, can the emancipate the productiveforces, therefore the Binhai newly developed area development, is mostobvious to the Tianjin old city impetus." Xing Chun lives directorproud to say. The Binhai newly developed area fast development makes one exclaim insurprise, but in developing process, also has met some industryindustry internal structure not Taishun's questions. "The Binhai newly developed area a quite prominent question whichmeets in the developing process is introduces the foreign capital notto be possible to hold controls the nature. Our preceding stage is byintroduces the foreign capital primarily, takes the introductionforeign capital the main development power. But the foreign capitalcomes any is any, cannot hold controls. But our how many to foreigncapital some dependences: If the foreign capital enters few, theinvestment is insufficient, the development can drop; The foreigncapital enters much, has a domestic capital, the foreign capitalfusion question, industry industry internal structure not Taishun."Said in the Binhai newly developed area development exists thequestion, Xing Chun lives assistant director not to evade. He tells reporter, now Binhai newly developed area big enterprise andforeign capital many, but mid- and small-scale enterprise are few.Passes through from the south area development examines, mid- andsmall-scale enterprise exactly is in the economical development a mostactive part, its resources disposition is also most nimble, turnsaround quickly. Xing Chun lives assistant director to borrow "theChinese Economical Weekly" for to propose the new special zoneprovinces and cities raise to awake: In the introduction foreigncapital aspect, must have the goal to introduce some to suit thislocal industry characteristic the profession, must pay attention withthe domestic capital fusion.
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