Monday, May 14, 2007
Jiangsu rather passes high speed walks 24 kilometers to collect fees20 Yuan
Why walks 24 kilometers to have to hand over 20 Yuan This April 26, reporter in Jiangsu Province interview period,drives the vehicles on rather to pass the highway from Yangchow to goto Taizhou, after pays 10 Yuan general to spend the drivingapproximately more than 10 kilometers, in brick bridge charge highcollar card. Reporter collects fees the line to Taizhou when stands,the charge request hands over 20 Yuan highway general expense, butaccording to the vehicles course table computation, actually actuallyonly walked at that time 24 kilometers distances. According to thecharge station announcement each kilometer 0.45 Yuan charge standard,the road management control section must charge 10.8 Yuan generalexpense. Afterwards, reporter proposed to the Jiangsu Province transportdepartment department concerned this road section exceeds the allowedfigure the charge question, actually is informed, in front of brickbridge charge high collar card goes more than 10 kilometer Lu Yeyaopays fee. Price bureau: Is the question left over by history Reporter arrives the Jiangsu Province price bureau for this,just opened the receipt which that 20 Yuan general spent, this game ofservice price place Department Head Wu said: "Brick bridge matter,unsolved problem." He said that, "Suit brick bridge charge matter verymany, we also repeatedly carried on have verified, indeed Canada hasreceived in front of the brick bridge more than 10 kilometer generalexpense, the reason is the before path transformation and so on linksup the question not to complete, also involved factor and so on chargemain body, was not easy to change." Reporter takes up the calculator computation immediately, even if addson 10 kilometers, according to 35 kilometers computations receivable15.75 Yuan, which determines based on the pricing department 37 doesfive enters the price way computation, actually also must only charge15 Yuan. Regarding this the conclusion, Department Head Wu says withdifficulty rightly. Transport department: Also Canada has received the bridge expense Leaves after the price bureau, reporter has received theJiangsu Province transport department laws and regulations placeDepartment Head Gao's telephone, he explained: "Is added besides thebrick bridge in front of more than 10 kilometers roads receives, afterin 1997 abolished the Miao village bridge 5 Yuan bridge to spend alsoincluding." Department Head Gao also supplements the road: "The Miao villagebridge loans the construction, once has constructed the chargestation, this charge stands with the brick bridge charge stands verynear, the common people reflect intensely, abolished, but loans hasnot paid off, also could not other reconstruction charge station,have to make up in the brick bridge." Cisco 642-371"More than 10 year Canada has received these 5 Yuan, hasn't paid offthis old bridge the money?" Reporter proposes the question to him, butDepartment Head Gao actually dodges said, the account goal matter isnot he manages. In interview period, reporter also knew that, this kind travels byvehicle the charge matter to stand besides the brick bridge chargesouth, gets the card in the Nanjing three bridges to six to gather themaster line charge to stand Huai An, enters the northern Jiangsuhighway networking, also Canada has received gets in front of the card10 Yuan general expense, but walks this route ordinary consumercertainly not all to know the circumstances of the matter. Industry and commerce department: Conceals travels by vehicle not notproperly the charge behavior very Regarding this, Jiangsu Province bureau of industry andcommerce Consumer Association comrades in charge believed that,whether the industry and commerce department does punish to this kindof behavior, must by the pricing department first recognize whetherviolates the price law, but the traffic department at least should tocarry on more explicit informing through this road section pilot,conceals travels by vehicle the charge behavior very not not properly. Reporter discovered in the interview that, draws up general spends thereceipt the unit for the Jiangsu Province highway managementadministrative center, this center manages the enterprise, but is afamily work industry unit, only arranges in Jiangsu Province managesthe registration registration, has not carried on the industry andcommerce registration, 2005 according to the Jiangsu Provincegovernment office document notice, is end of the year incorporatedinto by the whole the Jiangsu transportation limited company tomanage, saves the transport department simultaneously to have theinstruction, the surveillance responsibility. Regarding this thesituation, industry and commerce department comrades believed that,this kind of charge also incompletely is enterprise's market behavior,the industry and commerce department cannot rest on the authorityinvestigation.
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