Thursday, May 10, 2007

Crosses Long Yashan

All submits the credentials to the northern Kazak rice kingdomcountry, walks the mainland road, 300 kilometers, approximatelyconsume when 10 day, but in fact north, although the ice begs iswilling the tower to be located the Kazak rice kingdom, but entersbegs hopes the tower only path actually west within the boundaries ofLong Yashan Kazak rice kingdom, therefore must return once more to theKazak rice kingdom. From northern Kazak Mi Guodu to the dragon tooth Shanxi side, walksthe mainland road, 450 kilometers, approximately consume when 17 day. The sierra marches forward along Long Yashan to the southeast to triesto practice the cavern, 300 kilometers, the non- mainland road, nobodysmoke area, approximately consumes when 20 day. Tries to practice the cavern, 150 kilometers, the non- mainland road,approximately consumes when 12 day. The entire travelling schedule round-trip consumes when approximately200 days, in addition when two countries both time, entireconsumes about 230 days. Recently for four years, Leica. and the pond cold maple treecoordination completes the duty are extremely many, but this is theyfirst time quarrels in the duty. The pond cold maple tree's pronunciation is more and more heavy, theamy and grandfather's mood also more and more heavy ~ ~ has the lifein the ice-bound mainland person, only then knows the ice-boundmainland the danger. 646-589 Online Courses Cisco

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