Tuesday, July 15, 2008

IBM how landing in China

IBM in China, regardless of our research and development centers or software development center, is one of the world's top five development laboratory. Therefore, we are now in Beijing on the whole the team has reached more than 3,000 people. This more than 3,000 people in China have the meaning of the two, is the first foreign R & D team, technology to attract talent to China, the Chinese roots. Second, because this team stationed in China, the peripheral industries, software development, software applications, software technology has made a very big increase results. We were in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei arrived at the current size of more than 3,000 people, more than 3,000 people inside that this in fact we have two of IBM Fellow. IBM's research and development on the rating, the commentary effect, in fact, two academicians from the Chinese began to return home to the motherland effect, they stationed inside the laboratory in Beijing. So very Coincidentally, the two academicians in the professional capability of data, the data for the whole of the development, improve the management of the data is very big role. Therefore, both academicians, we called three distinguished engineers, is now stationed in China.

Secondly, we also have a lot of BP and ISV, you see the right half of the development team and outside BP, the recognition of our technology and DB2 9 on the market in the recognition of advanced technology, they began the application development We are now in the version of the above.