Wednesday, July 30, 2008

P4S studied hard when he's young

P4S (78 ~ 139), the word Hirako, is the Eastern Han Dynasty period of China's well-known scientists, writers, P4S now in the birthplace of the County of Henan Province, Nanyang Dan Qiaozhen. P4S grandfather did Taishou Zhang Kan, an official clean. His father died, so P4S home very poor. P4S young Qinfenhaoxue, coupled with talent bright, very early famous township. According to historical records, P4S10 at the age of "5 to the intersection Six Classics", Guomuchengsong. P4S interested in a broad, often covered in natural science books, and write a good first-hand Cifu. One day, P4S from a collection of poems, read four poems, describes the Big Dipper in the evening when all the seasons change: "bucket handle that East and the world are the spring; Doo stalk Guide, the world all summer; bucket handle refers to the West, and the world are autumn ; Bucket handle refers to the North, and the world all winter. "P4S think this is too interesting a. The stars flashing the sky, some like Kei, some like fighting, some like dogs, there's like bears, they just have the run of what it » This is fantastic. P4S poem was based on the content of other reference books and paintings became Sky map, per night and as long as they are no clouds, P4S on quietly in front of Sky plans carefully watching the night sky. Star Guangmo the number of Nanjiezhimi ah, P4S watching, recording the thinking of, P4S the head, filled with a variety of issues, full of colorful fantasy. Later, P4S finally confirmed that four poems in the description was not accurate, in fact refers to the northeast fighting stems in early spring, late spring is referring to the southeast.