Thursday, July 10, 2008

IBM Release 1.0 provided the following functions

Release 1.0 provided the following functions, most functional in 1989 is a revolutionary:

Using RSA public key encryption technology, signatures and authentication, and thus be able to sign documents, making documents available in the receiver can determine the course of transmission has not been modified. Notes RSA encryption is used to be an important commercial product, then users will be safe as one of the main features of Notes.
Dial-up function, including the use of dial-up driver interactive server access, allowing users to specify modem string, to support operator-assisted calls, automatically record phone calls and statistics.
Import / export capabilities, including Lotus Freelance Graphics Metafile import, export and structured ASCII Lotus 1-2-3/Symphony spreadsheet export.
Very easy to set up new users, allowing system / server administrator for creating a user-mail, in the Name and Address records in the database users to create, through dialog to confirm the user ID documents. If you want to use the private distribution list, users can also automatically create a private database of the Name and Address.
E-mail system is not allowed to open private mail file will be able to send mail, receive replies, received notification of new messages, create a mail message automatically when no clear or correct misspelled the name.
Online help, when many products are not provided by these characteristics.
Including the formula language, making the preparation of the Notes application simpler.
DocLinks Notes documents to provide the "hot links (hotlink)" visit 000-433.
Keyword (box and the radio button) characteristics.
Access Control List (Access Control List, ACL) who can determine the extent of each visit to the database.
If the database administrator needs, you can concentrate on the location of the remote management database replication. ACL can be the whole list (rather than separate) copied to the remote copy of the database.