Friday, July 4, 2008

The United States made nearly 20 million U.S. dollars budget support for North Korea abandon its nuclear program

U.S. State Department recently made a 19.5 million U.S. dollars of the budget, as a function of North Korea to the nuclear assistance. North Korea has destroyed nuclear reactor at Yongbyon in cooling towers, to take the nuclear function of the first step.

According to South Korean news agency reported, the U.S. State Department announced that the Korean nuclear facilities in Yongbyon to the function of the 12 measures, which have been completed by the nine.

Recently, the United States Government has provided North Korea 2.5 million U.S. dollars, as the Yongbyon nuclear facility cooling tower demolition, removal, and other related costs.

Prior to this, the United States in the 2008 fiscal year budget bill, the provision of 53 million dollars to North Korea energy aid budget, and then in the May 30, President Bush signed the supplementary budget bill, also allocated 15 million dollars.

U.S. Congress that North Korea abandon its nuclear program requirements related costs from the 2009-2012 fiscal year, respectively, for 300 million U.S. dollars, 200 million U.S. dollars, 50 million dollars and 25 million U.S. dollars.

The six-party talks head of the U.S. delegation, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said that in achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in their efforts to verify is the most important link. The next step is to verify North Korea indeed has submitted a list of all nuclear facilities.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that from the list of countries supporting terrorism to remove North Korea only has symbolic significance. As the United States in objection, objection to the removal of North Korea, Rice's remarks is to pacify a different view.

In addition, Bush in Japan to attend the G-8 summit, with Japan, South Korea and Chinese leaders at 6 and 9, held talks focusing on North Korean nuclear issue, will also discuss Iran, Myanmar, Zimbabwe and the Doha trade negotiations. G-8 summit meeting will be held 7 to 9 in Japan.